Coffee Scrubs: Make your Skin Feel “Caffeinated”

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Do you have leftover coffee grounds that usually get thrown away? It is time to put them to use! Those coffee grounds that you thought were just trash can change your beauty routine around and help to rejuvenate your skin. Coffee is apart of many people’s daily routines, but a lot of people wouldn’t think to use it on their skin. Coffee scrubs are useful to energize and brighten your day and your skin! You may not like the idea of rubbing your body down with coffee grounds, but at the end you will be refreshed and your skin will feel caffeinated and ready for any day!

coffee grounds

How To Make General Coffee Scrub:

  • 3 Tablespoons of freshly ground coffee
  • 2 Tablespoons of oil (coconut, olive, vegetable, essential, etc)
  • 1 Tablespoon of sugar (raw, granulated, etc.)

For all of the ingredients you can use whatever you prefer really. For the oil, coconut and olive work the best but you can use whatever oil you prefer. If you choose coconut oil, you may want to put it into the microwave to melt it down and make it easier to mix. When you have all of your ingredients you are going to want to mix them together until it is all blended well.

You may want to experiment with different types of oils, based on your skin type to see which oil works best for you. If there is excess oil, that is okay, it will help to moisturize and hydrate your skin.

If you have sensitive skin brown surgar will be the best option for you. You can also use epsom or sea salt, but you want to be careful not to rub and exfoliate too hard to avoid creating micro tears in your skin. Also, any type of coffee is able to be used, whether it’s your favorite brew from Starbucks or even Singing Rooster Haitian Coffee!

You can personalize your scrub and add honey, cinnamon, or any other ingredients that may be beneficial for the effect that you are looking for. The ingredients you use are very versatile and you can use any ingredients that you find in your kitchen cabinets. Just be aware that your skin may react differently to certain ingredients.

Benefits Of Coffee Scrubs

coffee scrub

All Natural

Any coffee scrub is all natural. You are not using any harsh chemicals on your body. Since you are using ingredients that are natural, you are going to have less of a chance getting any breakouts or reactions from what you are putting on your body. Also, because the ingredients are natural, it is likely that you already have the ingredients, so you don’t have to go out and buy special ingredients.


The three ingredients that you use are important for exfoliating. The key to removing as much dead skin as possible is to move it into a circular motion. Removing all of the dead skin will make you feel renewed and refreshed and your skin healthy, smooth and energized.


The scrub will help you feel like you just drank a cup of coffee but you will feel it in your skin. It will energize you for the day and your skin will feel as soft as babies bottom.


Coffee scrubs have been known for taking away cellulite. The caffeine will tighten your skin which reduces the cellulite. It can also take down inflammation and swelling. Some people apply under their eyes to take away any puffiness. Also can help with the redness and depending on the recipe, it may help decrease the size of your pores and help tame your acne. Caffeine is also filled with many antioxidants and because of this, it will help with wrinkles and sun spots.

Smells Good

Just the smell of the coffee can make a huge difference for someone, if you like the smell of coffee, of course. Even when you wash it off of your body you still may smell it on yourself, which may help you get through the day. The scent of coffee is also known to clear a someone’s thoughts.

If you feel like you are having one of those days where your mind just will not just stop running, this is your go to. It could help with a headache without taking any medicines. It can also work as an anti-depressant and if you are nauseous the scent will help calm your stomach down.

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