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For many of us, coffee is a part of our daily lives. Since most people make coffee every single day, most of them think that they know how to brew a great cup of coffee. But when you think about it, many of them brew coffee that tastes average. Why? It’s because they fail to consider grind size.
There are several factors that affect the quality of coffee you make. Water temperature, coffee beans, and brewing method are just some of them. But the perfect cup of coffee boils down to the coffee grounds. Different types of brewing methods require different coffee grind size. There are no one-size-fits-all when it comes to making coffee. To ensure that every cup of coffee you brew tastes amazing, you need to use the right coffee grind size for your brewing method.
Grinding the coffee beans is a basic requirement for preparing coffee. If you are serious about starting your coffee journey at home, then you need to invest in a coffee grinder. Grind size can affect the taste of your final brew. As such, it is important to choose the grind setting based on your brew method.
With an array of different brewing methods, it can be difficult to determine the right coffee grind size. Use this blog post as a guide in determining the right coffee grind size for your brewing method. Hopefully, this can help you make best tasting coffee at home.
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The consistency of superfine coffee grounds can be compared to that of flour or powdered sugar. You barely are able to distinguish individual grains.
Of all the brewing methods, Turkish coffee requires the finest grind size. If you are planning on brewing Turkish coffee, then you’ll need an extra fine grind. This is important as it gives the Turkish coffee its distinctive body. It also allows for a complete extraction. However, not all grinders are capable of achieving an extra fine grind.
If you want a true Turkish coffee grind, try the Zassenhaus Santiago Coffee Mill, the Bunn G1HDB Coffee Grinder or the Turkish Coffee World Grinder. These are well-made and competent grinders that are capable of pulverizing your coffee beans.
When you grind coffee finely, the consistency is a bit finer than sugar, but not quite a powder. It feels smooth, but you can still feel individual grains.
Fine grind is what we usually call the espresso grind. The ideal brewing time for espresso is between 20 and 30 seconds. Any slower than that, and you’ll need to back off the fine grinding a little bit. If the coffee grind is too fine, it can create an unpleasantly bitter and woody flavor. This is the reason why most people think of espresso as bitter. But if you’re finishing up before ideal brewing time, then you’ll need a slightly finer grind.
The Baratza Virtuoso, Kitchenaid Pro Line, and the Rancilio Rocky are our top picks for the best coffee grinder for espresso.
Medium grind is the standard for grocery pre-ground coffee. Commercial grinders know that most people use an old Mr. Coffee brewer, so they usually sell medium grind coffee to meet the demand of the public. Its consistency is similar to table salt. It feels slightly smooth when rubbed between the fingers.
If you love drip coffee like us, medium grind coffee will be your staple grind size. Due to its versatile size, the medium coffee grind can also be used for other brewing methods like the siphon brewers and the pour-over. The Baratza Encore and the Hario Coffee Milk Ceramic Grinder are the best grinders for making drip or pour-over coffee.
Medium Coarse
Medium coarse can be comparable to that of coarse sand. The coffee grinds are gritty but do not contain a sliver of grinds.
Chemex and drip methods have similar brewing style. Both uses the infusion methods, but they use different grind sizes. The recommended grind size for Chemex coffee is medium coarse. It should be coarser than medium grind, but finer than coarse grind. This will result in less sediment in your cup. Most people who use an automatic drip coffee maker may find this impressive. With a coarser grind size and a thicker filter, Chemex coffee brewing results in a slower brew and a richer cup of coffee. However, it’s not as rich as French Press coffee.
The Cuisinart DBM-8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill and the Baratza Virtuoso are great options for those who are looking for the best coffee grinder for Chemex.
Coarse coffee grind size is similar to that of Kosher salt. The grind contains distinct particles. You can see some distinct, chunky pieces of coffee beans. You can use a manual or an electric burr grinder for a great coarse grind.
French Press and Turkish coffee have the same brewing style. The difference lies in the water temperature, brewing time, and coffee grind size. Coarse grind is ideal for making French Press coffee. To do that, you will need to invest in a burr coffee grinder that will make coarse grinds. If the ground is too coarse, your coffee is going to be weak and less flavorful due to under extraction.
The Braunn Automatic Coffee Grinder, Rosewood Manual Coffee Grinder, and the Porlex Mini are our top picks for French Press.
Extra Coarse
Extra coarse grind is slightly larger than kosher salt. The grind contains large particles but is still thoroughly broken. This is as large as you can go on most burr grinders.
If you are a fan of cold brew coffee, the extra coarse grind will be your staple grind. The coarser the ground, the better. Remember, you’ll be sifting the coffee later on. Finer grounds are more difficult to filter. As a result, you may end up with a cloudy, sludgy outcome. You should be done grinding in about 5 seconds
The Baratza Virtuoso, Capresso 560 Infinity Burr Grinder, and the Hario Skerton Ceramic Coffee Mill are great options for cold brew fanatics.
Final Thoughts
Coffee grind size can mean the difference between a great tasting cup of coffee and an unpleasant, bitter one. You can invest in the best quality coffee beans, invest in a top of the line coffee maker, use premium filters, and pure water, but an incorrect grind will still ruin it all. Avoid using blade grinders as they are going to grind your coffee into a mixture of odd-sized chunks. This will make the outcome of your brew highly unpredictable. Invest in a good burr grinder to ensure that you’re grinding them to perfection.
The ideal fineness of your coffee mainly depends on the type of brewing method you’ll use. By mastering the grind sizes, you’ll be able to make cafe-quality coffee at home.